Irish Red Setter Rescue Charitable Trust


Pedigree Database best viewed on PC or Tablet


irsrct_logoThe Irish Setter Pedigree Database was originally compiled by Michelle Webster & donated to Irish Red Setter Rescue Charitable Trust – IRSRCT  upon her death in July 2021. For information about the Trust click on the name or logo.

Irish Setter Pedigrees are based in the UK and we collect our data from the KC Breed Record Supplements which are produced quarterly, although there is a delay in publication at the moment. We also use The Kennel Club Stud Books which are published annually. We want to continue adding Irish Setter litters which are not registered with them but need you to send us the accurate information. Many people have been in contact in the past years giving invaluable data and pointing out errors or omissions and helping to fill in the gaps. We want to thank them and ask that they continue to send this information.  

Please send information and queries as well as information about overseas pedigrees & litters to :-

Meg Webb

Meg is delighted to be helped by Eva Kassube, Laura Kolbach and Rhia Tapper who are invaluable in spotting mistakes and providing information about overseas and working pedigrees in particular. Please feel free to contact them through FB or emails below and don’t be surprised if they contact you for information.

Eva Kassube                 

Laura Kolbach

Rhia Tapper 

We are not charging for the database in the near future but would appreciate donations via the PayPal button . 

We regret we cannot supply personalised litter or trial pedigrees and for administrative reasons we have had to remove photographs.

Although the website is responsive, we recommend the database is used with a PC, laptop or tablet. For technical queries and problems associated with the website please contact the webmaster.

As stated on the pedigrees we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided and will appreciate you reporting errors so that we can make corrections.

The database can be accessed either by clicking on the Enter Database above or the Heading Title  “Irish Setter Pedigrees”.